Endowments Need to Grow
Establish A Chairperson
Every lodge in Ohio should have an endowment chairperson leading the efforts at the lodge level, promoting the endowment, and helping members understand the objectives of the endowment fund.
Make Your Lodge Per Capita
The Ohio Elks Association has established a $1 per member per year goal to establish a lodge per capita target across the Buckeye State. Consider adding this to your lodge’s annual dues statements.
Throw A Fundraiser
Each lodge should hold an annual fundraiser for the Ohio Elks Endowment. Reach out to your district or state chairpersons for fundraising ideas and watch the OEA News feed to see what other lodges are doing. Be sure to attend the Fall Reunion and support the state fundraiser!
Spread The Word
The Ohio Elks Endowment can accept donations from Elks and non-Elks alike. Spread the word to your fellow members, neighbors, family members and friends about what the Elks do and how they can support the great works of Elkdom in our communities.